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No company feels guilty if you lose your money I personally do care a lot with this concept because it goes directly to your choice of payment system you cant not lose anything…
is this clear… before you judge first watch the video

The Impact System for Success

The Impact System for Success is a proven system that will get you the results you want and deserve. The system is designed to rapidly build your team and get donations flowing to you quickly because it does all of the explaining for you. It will sort your contacts out and create massive duplication throughout your team. Follow the steps below and you will see tremendous success.

The System:

Step 1. Reach out to somebody you know and ask them a simple question – I’ve found a way that a lot of people are receiving a lot of donations very quickly. If I sent you a short video would you watch it?

Step 2. Share your Impact101 site and your mobile landing page with them so they can see the 2 power videos that explain everything.

Step 3. Follow up and share your Impact101 replicated site so they can get more information and join your team.

Step 4. Repeat this process over and over with all of your contacts and help your team do the same thing.





Different languages in the future there will be more other languages

2019 06 05 1959




An app is also being worked on and will be available soon


It doesn’t matter what your background or previous experience is. The Impact System for Success is a fully automated system that will help you fill your Donation Grids quickly. It does all of the work and the explaining for you. Using our System can create an endless stream of donations to you.

As a member you have complete access to the entire System which includes:

– A fully customized and personalized mobile landing page that you can send to people. It has everything they need to understand this, including the videos in in different languages

– Your own personal website just like this one where people can get more information and join your team.

– A state of the art back office which tracks all of your Donation Grids, your team and your donations in real time.


– Help and support from a team of leaders who will walk you through everything and be there to back you up every step of the way.

The Impact System For Success is designed to get you the results you want and deserve.  It’s working for many people and it will work for you too!

2019 01 19 2041

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#Impact101 zoomcall news and updates the new app announced 6/06/2019

Weekly webinair schedule Impact101

TUESDAYS – Corporate updates and announcements, tips from top Impact101 Leaders on how to build your global team fast, the Big Picture and more.  This call will be ideal for all team members as well as all prospects who have watched the introductory videos.
6 pm PST, 9 pm EST North America
This is 11 am Wednesday morning in Sydney, Australia, 6:30 am Wednesday morning in Delhi, India

WEDNESDAYS – Corporate updates and announcements, tips from top Impact101 Leaders on how to build your global team fast, the Big Picture and more.  This call will be ideal for all team members as well as all prospects who have watched the introductory videos.
1 pm PST, 4 pm EST North America
9 pm UK
This is 6 am Thursday morning in Sydney, Australia

SATURDAYS – Global Building Training Call – John and Joe have spent the last 25 years building huge global teams. They will share the exact simple things that everybody can do to get results with their Impact101 platform. This will be the Complete Roadmap to Success!  This call will be ideal for all Impacters as well as any prospects who are looking at Impact101 and trying to decide if they can do this.  Be on this call to make 2019 your Life Changing Year!
10 am PST, 1 pm EST North America
6 pm UK, 10:30 pm in Delhi, India

Please click the link below to join all of the webinars:

Several leaders in Impact101 are also presenting on a weekly basis, find their info below:

Duncan Wood is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:

Time: Sunday 2019 8:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting 5066752308

Colin Simmonds is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:

Topic: Crowdfunding with Impact101 Explained
Time: Thursday 2019 11:00 AM and 8:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting 553210222

Below zoomcall 6/06/2019 Topic: Crowdfunding with Impact101 Explained
Scroll +- 10min video

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